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Showing posts with the label target market

Finding your target market

 Who's your customer? That's one of the most important questions any business can answer, but it's particularly important for small businesses. Why? Because only by having a clear definition of the exact type of customer you're trying to reach can you make the most of your limited marketing dollars and have the biggest impact on your bottom line. You need to know your "target market." Narrowing the type of customers you'd most like to reach — and the kind that are most likely to be willing, eager and able to buy from you — is a key building block to success. Defining your target market gives focus to all your marketing and sales activities, helps you craft your advertising messages and images, choose where and when to advertise, influences which distribution channels you use and perhaps even helps you decide the colour of your employees' uniforms or the music playing in your store. When defining your target market, keep the image of an actual target

Who is your target market?

  Having a clear definition of the exact type of customer your business is trying to reach can make the most of limited marketing dollars and have the biggest impact on your bottom line. Narrowing the type of customers you'd most like to reach (and the kind that are most likely to be willing, eager and able to buy from you) is a key building block to success. Defining your target market gives focus to all your marketing and sales activities, helps you craft your advertising messages and images, choose where and when to advertise and influences which distribution channels you use. When defining your target market, keep the image of an actual target in mind. The outermost ring of the target is the universe of potential customers — everyone who might ever possibly be interested in your product or service. As you get closer to the centre of the target, focus on customers who are more likely to actually make a purchase. The group at the centre should be those you would most like to hav