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Showing posts with the label Selling business

Considerations before selling your business

 The sale of a business is a complex process; there are often unforeseeable issues that may arise between buyers and sellers, along with financial and tax implications to take into account. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for the sale of your business: Timing The timing of the transaction is one of the most crucial considerations. Establish a closing date or range of dates and plan the rest of the sale process accordingly. Consider the settlement period, any handover training that may be required for the buyer and arrangements for your existing staff. As a seller you may have different priorities to the buyer, for example, you may want to sell quickly; therefore you need to be willing to compromise for the best outcome. Due diligence Sellers must have a well-organised, comprehensive and efficient due diligence program to reduce transaction risk and costs for all parties. Having un-organised records may be met with skepticism; a skeptical buyer may require stricter