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Showing posts with the label Invest

Thinking about your cash flow

  If the three most important things in real estate are "location, location, location," the first three rules of business are "cash, cash, cash." It is necessary to be profitable, but "profit" is a number that shows up on your accounts at the end of the year; cash is the money you have in the bank. In a small business, it is cash that determines whether you can pay your bills. Businesses can't get money in unless they get their invoices out. However, many business people delay sending out their bills. This may be because they feel uncomfortable asking someone for money, afraid of being challenged on how much they’ve billed, or just too busy working to bill for it. The longer you wait to send out your invoices, the greater the chance you won't get paid.   No matter what business you're in, you're going to have a lag between outgo and income. If you're a consultant, you have to pay for your phone, stationery, marketing materials, and rent

Money habits that limit wealth creation

  Even high earners can make very stupid (and avoidable) money mistakes.  Use the below examples as a way to look objectively at your money behaviour and how it might be limiting your wealth creation.   Not having a budget   Some people think nothing of spending $1500 on a weekend away, or $800 on a new outfit. But even if you earn $400,000 a year, spending a substantial amount of money each month on purchases and experiences adds up.  Not preparing and sticking to a budget is a common mistake among high earners, as many believe that a budget isn't necessary, given their high level of income. Regardless of how much you earn, individuals need budgets to know where their money goes and what needs to be set aside to achieve their goals.   Peer pressure   Peer pressure isn’t just experienced by teenagers. Don’t be the partner who drowns in non-deductible debt, but takes an overseas holiday once a year or owns the latest model car just because that’s what other partners have and do in y

Grow Yourself a Money Tree that Will Earn You Financial Freedom

Are you sick and tired of the nine-to-five grind with no exit in sight?  You are not alone.  There is a growing tribe of people the world over that is getting disillusioned with the traditional job path.  The traditional job itself is disappearing.  We have now entered the gig economy.   In the gig economy, people are constantly looking for their next gig which itself if becoming ever more elusive.  So, armed with your hard-earned college degree (or two) and while drowning in student debt, you spend countless hours hunched in front of your computer job hunting.  Hunting for that gig not even related to your field. We need to open our eyes wide, look around and observe what is happening.  If we continue down this path where are we going to end up?  Are we going to retire young and rich?  Are we going to end up with millions in our bank account?   Most likely we will end up in poverty with nothing to show for all our hard work. Yes, folks, it is time to take action.  I