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Showing posts with the label Meaningful business planning

Why business planning is so important

  Having no plan can leave entrepreneurs feeling overwhelmed all the time. They have a number of decisions to make and the lack of a clear strategic plan for the coming year can make a noticeable difference. Experimenting with new projects, having a real need to hire additional help and launching new marketing initiatives can leave entrepreneurs wondering where to spend their time or money first. That’s why a plan is so important. Meaningful business planning is addictive and developing an annual business plan can help companies grow more than any other single business activity. Successful business plan sessions require a number of steps: Set a date: At least a few weeks before your planning session, set aside a specific day or more. If it’s your first planning session ever, you may need at least a few days, especially if you have employees. If you work by yourself, perhaps you can do this in just a half day. Set a place: Get out of the office! If you work at home, get out of your hom