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Showing posts with the label productive workers

Make mornings easier with end-of-day rituals

  As all productive workers know, the end of a working day is just as important as the beginning. While the lead up to finishing time in the late afternoon usually sees the majority of workers counting down the minutes until they can clock off, productive workers that engage in a few simple rituals at the end of the day can help them get off to a fast start in the morning. Closing rituals can help you pinpoint exactly what you have to do the next day as soon as you walk into the office, increasing the likelihood of getting more things done, and not having to take your work home with you. Here is a three-step routine to help you to make sure you start every day on track. Triage your to-do list Evaluate what you can realistically complete today, and what could be pushed back to the next day. Adjust your to-do list based on this. Any task that is non-essential can be moved further back, delegated to someone else, or removed entirely. Review tomorrow’s calendar While it is natural to focus