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Showing posts with the label Rich

Don’t let hidden energy costs affect your cash flow

  It is easy to forget about the cost of a business's energy consumption when you’re kept busy managing the day-to-day tasks of running the business. But with the growing rate of electricity prices, it is vital for business owners to pay closer attention to their energy costs to prevent losing money. The cost of energy is rarely included in a business’s budget, even though electricity, water and gas can all be costly business utilities. And when owners simply pay the bills instead of regularly reviewing energy costs, it can be quite a surprise when working out how all these things can add up. However, there are many simple and efficient energy saving tips that every business can implement to achieve better results in the long term. Below are five ideas to get you thinking: Switch to LED lighting, or use lighting controls like dimmers and timers to help cut costs and become more energy efficient. Establish energy practices within the business so staff can become more energy efficien

Grow Yourself a Money Tree that Will Earn You Financial Freedom

Are you sick and tired of the nine-to-five grind with no exit in sight?  You are not alone.  There is a growing tribe of people the world over that is getting disillusioned with the traditional job path.  The traditional job itself is disappearing.  We have now entered the gig economy.   In the gig economy, people are constantly looking for their next gig which itself if becoming ever more elusive.  So, armed with your hard-earned college degree (or two) and while drowning in student debt, you spend countless hours hunched in front of your computer job hunting.  Hunting for that gig not even related to your field. We need to open our eyes wide, look around and observe what is happening.  If we continue down this path where are we going to end up?  Are we going to retire young and rich?  Are we going to end up with millions in our bank account?   Most likely we will end up in poverty with nothing to show for all our hard work. Yes, folks, it is time to take action.  I